Monday, January 26, 2015

Ameren Accessory Structure Permit FAQ

Article 419 of the FERC approved license requires Ameren to issue permits for private property structures that "use and occupy" lands below the Lake of the Ozarks project boundary.  Property owners with such structures are notified by mail to apply for a permit to allow them to remain.  There is a non-refundable fee, depending on the structure. Ameren has provided a brief FAQ to help property owners understand their situation.  (Emphasis mine)

Q:  Since I did not install the accessory structure, why do I need to request a permit?
A:  It is likely that a previous property owner installed the structure and did not know a permit was required.  It is the responsibility of the current property owner to ensure his or her structures within the project boundary are permitted regardless if he or she installed them.

Q:  Why is my accessory structure not grandfathered?
A:  Existing shoreline structures are not exempt from requiring a permit.  Ameren Missouri will allow your accessory structure to remain provided you obtain a permit.  Therefore, by permitting your accessory structure, it is in effect grandfathered.

Q:  How do I benefit from a permit for my accessory structure?
A:  If your accessory structure is permitted, the structure may remain within the Ameren Missouri's project boundary.  You may also perform maintenance on the structure and transfer the permitted structure to subsequent property owners.

Q:  Can I expand my permitted accessory structure?
A:  A permit was issued for the specific size and location of your accessory structure.  You may remove the structure. However, any other modification to the size and location of the structure is prohibited.

Q:  What accessory structures can be proposed within the project boundary?
A:  If the proposal complies with Ameren Missouri's permit guidelines, you may receive permits to install accessory structures such as piers and steps.  Permits cannot be issued for proposed patios, gazebos, sidewalks, boathouses, and similar structures.

Processing Fee List (Non-refundable)
Boat Dock Permits  Fee
  • New Permit for one-slip dock
 $150 plus $25 for each additional slip
  • Permit Modification 
    (includes addition of one slip)
 $75 plus $25 for each additional slip
  • Certified dock builder application
  • Certified dock builder annual
  • Certified dock builder reinstatement
Bank Stabilization Permits
  • Seawall
 $300 for first 100 feet plus $1/foot over 100 feet
  • Vegetation or riprap (vegetation planting or rock placement to prevent bank erosion)
  • Dredging-excavation permit
  • Boat Launching Ramp permit
  • Pre-2008 Deck permit*
  • Permit extension
  • Permit transfers (All permitted facilitiesmay be transferred with one application and fee)
  • Other permits (i.e., water intakes, utility facilities)
  • Pre-2008 Patio permit*
  • Pre-2008 Gazebo permit*
  • Stand-alone breakwater
 $500 for first 100 feet plus $1/foot over 100 feet
  • Pre-2008 Concrete Walkway permit
*Post-2008 decks, patios, gazebos and walkways are prohibited.
You will be accessed a fee for each structure in non-conformance.  For example, I had a shade deck and a "martini" deck and paid $200.

Ameren Missouri Shoreline Management Office
Phone: 573-365-9203
P.O. Box 993
Lake Ozark, MO  65049