Shoreline Management Plan - This document is the bulk of the Plan and contains most of the information including a description of shoreline conditions, development requirements, management, and enforcement. There are 7 appendices:
Appendix A - Osage Project Shoreline Use Classification Maps
Appendix B - Lake of the Ozarks Permit Requirements
Appendix C - Derelict Dock Removal
Appendix D - Adopt-The-Shoreline-Program
Appendix E - Duncan's Point
Appendix F - Challenges to SMP Mapping Accuracy
Appendix G - Consultation March 2008 - July 2012
Appendix H - Osage Project License - This is the actual FERC issued license document.
On March 30th, 2007 the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission granted Ameren UE a 40 year license for its Osage Hydroelectric Project (Bagnell Dam), also known as FERC Project 459. A condition of the license was the establishment of a Shoreline Management Plan ensuring that "shoreline development activities within the project boundaries are consistent with the license"... "to manage the multiple resources and uses of the Lake of the Ozarks' 1,150 miles of shoreline within the project's boundaries, while protecting the environment and recreation values, and addressing the needs of the public". In short, these conditions call upon Ameren to take stewardship of the Lake of the Ozarks and infer long term responsibility for its health and utility. With environmental concerns often in competition with usage desires, Ameren has been given the tricky task of balancing the goals of private property owners and developers with the overall health and conservation of the lake. It should be noted that this stewardship extends beyond Bagnell Dam to include the Osage River as part of FERC's requirements that Ameren monitor downstream erosion.
One of the tools Ameren uses is available to the public on their website, a geographic information system that provides high resolution images and relevant data for the entire lake area. The shoreline ariel map (no longer available but Camden County has their own GIS system now that was probably built off of it) is an excellent resource for property owners and developers to identify control areas and boundary lines.
Shoreline Protection Hotline: 573-365-9203